Monday 19 September 2011


By Samantha: 
I learnt more about teamwork and things about my friends.Furthermore, i learnt more about this chapter while the history test was near so this ATT really helped me a lot.While doing this ATT, there's some problems that we had faced which one of it was the difference in timing.We do not have time to meet each other because of our CCAs and personal stuff.However, we solved the problem ATT on time before the deadline.I also learnt that friends are there to help and when they are in need of help, we should help them too. I really enjoy doing this ATT and i have learnt a lot from it. 

By Jia Qi:
During the process of doing this ATT, the bond between my friends and I have strengthen and we have learnt how to co-operate with one another. During the process of doing this ATT, my friends and I met some problems, like not being able to meet up since everyone have different CCA dates and shortage of time. However, with the co-operation of all the members, we manage to overcome all these problems and complete our tasks on time. At the same time as I do this ATT, I am also revising for my history test. This helped me to understand the chapter better and increase my knowledge in the topic. I also learnt many things that will helpful in my daily life, like we should never do our work last minute as the quality will be bad and I also learnt that we should always plan our time wisely so that we will not run out of time to do our work. Through this ATT, I have also learnt that we should always lend our friends a helping hand when they need us and not just let them struggle alone. This ATT is very meaningful and I had a very wonderful experience.

Friday 9 September 2011

Society in India and China

A group of people ruled by the same government, sharing the common needs forms a society.

A social system is the way in which members of a society organise themselves into groups and specialise in different jobs.

Hierarchy is the system by which people are ranked according to their wealth and power. It takes the form of a pyramid. People who share similar occupations within the pyramid are known as a social class.

Society in India
        In c.1500 B.C.E, social classes were introduced by Aryans. People were grouped using the caste System which was made up of Brahmins, Kasatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras and the Pariahs (after 500 BCE).  In the caste, members have a specific occupation and the members that were born into a specific caste can only marry within their caste.  Members are also not allowed to change their job. This remains the same for the rest of the generations. In the caste, the Brahmins were of the highest class and were made up of priest, scholars and teacher which are highly respected by the people. The Kasatriyas were the second highest in the caste, made up of warriors and rulers. Next in the caste were the Vaishyas, made up of traders, farmers and landowners, followed by the Shudras, made up of field labourers and craftsmen. Last were the untouchables. This group consists of people who were considered to be outside the varna system because of the nature of their occupations like skinning animals and carrying the bodies of the dead. As a result, they suffered considerable discrimination. However, they were banned by the Indian government after independence. 

Advantages of the caste system

·                             The caste brought order to society and everyone knew their roles. It also h=give people a sense of belonging.
        Disadvantages of the caste system

No mobility within the caste.

Society in China
               During Shang Dynasty (1523-1027 BCE), there were two classes. The ruling and the working class. Shi given land for supporting the king and the land was passed down from generations to generations. The land owned by a shi family was so large that a shi estate usually consists of the shi’s extended family, thousands of soldiers, farmers, priest, traders, craftsmen and scholars.

               o                     During the Zhou Dynasty(1027-221 BCE), working class divided into four more classes. Scholars, farmers, craftsmen and traders.  The scholars were highly respected by the people.
                                      During the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE), Qin Shihuang took away the power of the shi. Shi became appointed officials and looked after the provinces. The shi no longer own any land. 
                                      During Han Dynasty (202BCE-220CE), the Imperial Civil Service was developed. This means that the appointment of civil servants no longer depended on class or family background. Instead, anyone who was capable and intelligent could be a civil servant as long as they are able to pass the civil exam. Thus, whatever occupation or level in society a person reaches is held to what he deserves. This is called meritocracy.

                    Advantages of the class system during the Han Dynasty

          It brings order to the society and everyone knows their roles. It also gave people a sense of belonging. The Imperial Civil Service allow people who are capable to be in the better class regardless of their family background and thus is fair to everyone is the country. It also allows people to move from one class to another and so there is social mobility.

Society In China and India

(Extra infomation) Purpose for the Imperial examination and how did it come by.

The Imperial examination was an examination system in Imperial China designed to select the best administrative officials for the state's bureaucracy. This system had a huge influence on both society and culture in Imperial China and was directly responsible for the creation of a class of scholar-bureaucrats irrespective of their family pedigree. 

Emperor Wu of Han started an early form of the imperial examinations, in which local officials would select candidates to take part in an examination of the Confucian classics, from which he would select officials to serve by his side. While connections and recommendations remained much more meaningful than the exams in terms of advancing people to higher positions, the initiation of the examination system by emperor Wu had a cultural significance, as the state determined which are the most important Confucianist texts.

Theoretically, any male adult in China, regardless of his wealth or social status, could become a high-ranking government official by passing the imperial examination, although under some dynasties members of the merchant class were excluded.


A short story about india's untouchables ~