Monday 19 September 2011


By Samantha: 
I learnt more about teamwork and things about my friends.Furthermore, i learnt more about this chapter while the history test was near so this ATT really helped me a lot.While doing this ATT, there's some problems that we had faced which one of it was the difference in timing.We do not have time to meet each other because of our CCAs and personal stuff.However, we solved the problem ATT on time before the deadline.I also learnt that friends are there to help and when they are in need of help, we should help them too. I really enjoy doing this ATT and i have learnt a lot from it. 

By Jia Qi:
During the process of doing this ATT, the bond between my friends and I have strengthen and we have learnt how to co-operate with one another. During the process of doing this ATT, my friends and I met some problems, like not being able to meet up since everyone have different CCA dates and shortage of time. However, with the co-operation of all the members, we manage to overcome all these problems and complete our tasks on time. At the same time as I do this ATT, I am also revising for my history test. This helped me to understand the chapter better and increase my knowledge in the topic. I also learnt many things that will helpful in my daily life, like we should never do our work last minute as the quality will be bad and I also learnt that we should always plan our time wisely so that we will not run out of time to do our work. Through this ATT, I have also learnt that we should always lend our friends a helping hand when they need us and not just let them struggle alone. This ATT is very meaningful and I had a very wonderful experience.

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